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It Takes Wings to Fly( part 1)

Life is sweet, but bitter to those who have not found their excellent self. Many people live their lives for the multitude. They are very comfortable doing what others are doing. They are yet to discover who they really are and what their purpose is on earth. we are all different people with different gifts and missions. 

Every one comes into this world with a particular package, but the problem with many is that they haven't taken enough time to find out what is inside the package they came in with. As the chicken sees the birds in the air, and tries to fly because it has it own wings, so are some people who follow the crowd and have fail to discover what is in their package. We are greatly better than the chickens. Yes!! chickens don't think, but we do.

When you follow the crowd, you become invisible in their midst.

I greatly believe every one has a wonderful role to play in constructing a better world. But, my friends, you can only contribute to the world by first becoming that dreamed person. The truth is, in other for you to help others: you must first help yourself. It's not being self-centered; it's you having enough strength to save another from drowning. 

We all have dreams and some are living it right now. My dream many years ago was to changed the minds of many youths positively with my write ups and words, also win souls for Christ around the world. There are some wings you need in life in other to fly to your desired place. Lets take it step by step. i will write about five different wings.

Discovering yourself:- It's a pity many are found in some places where they are not meant to be. Some take on professions because others says it's good. Like the saying goes, "one man food is another man's poison". They are some doctors who have the gift of singing; some employees who have the gift of entrepreneurship. 

Great people whose names never drown are those who found their right place in the works of life. Great people like Chinua Achebe, Cosmos Maduaka, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. In other to discover yourself, you have to recover yourself from those missteps you have taken. Take your time to monitor what you do best. In fact make a research on yourself. Stop looking what other are doing, start focusing on things you do excellently well. Remember, No one is refined directly from the womb. Even Jesus Christ(Our Lord) fasted 40 days and nights to refine himself for the mission.

You have greater chances of succeeding in what you do best.

To be continued.....

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