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Polytechnic Lecturer showers praises on his former student now selling cakes

The polytechnic lecturer was actually praising his former student for his courage to embark on hawking cakes along the streets. 

This is what many youths will never do even if they get to the point of absolute lack. This is indeed a courageous mindset. 

Where you started from is a story, where you are heading to is the glory. You have to learn through the practical way in other to know the theorical wisdom.

Nigerian lecturer praises his ex-student who became a cake hawker
Mr Inyangetuk poses with his former student selling cakes

Life is a journey. Indeed, you have to be bold enough to be able to make some decisions your pairs will never consider. It is better to add value to yourself, then to misplace priorities.

Nigerian lecturer praises his ex-student who became a cake hawker

Stop saying there is no job. Start something from where you are and in due time, you will see the glory in business. Trust in God and give him reasons to bless you by doing something to help yourself.

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